Driving Drew Carey in Missouri…….

Yes, Ben, Amanda, and I are in Missouri visiting Steph and Cassie as Steph has three games tomorrow.  I am excited to see them all.

But one of the interesting dynamics is how Ben acts around all the college girls.  While guys my age desperately try to look and act younger, Ben tries to act older, thus he stole my glasses to act like a big guy.  There may be issues though, especially as he tells everyone that Cassie is his “girlfriend.”  And of course she was the one to get him that Transformers backpack for his birthday, which may indeed be the equivalent of a “promise ring” in the preschool world.  But Cassie didn’t seem to mind.  Ben just flirted with everyone.

And the funny part about my glasses is that they make everyone look like Drew Carey, which I of course take as a great thing, because he is one of my comedic idols.  I actually bought them however, not to look like Drew, but because I have a young son who whips his arms and legs around all the time.  And after he broke a couple of pair, I decided to go with indestructible.  They have been a great investment for me for sure!

But tonight we have enjoyed seeing the girls, having a nice dinner, and driving around a celebrity.  Tomorrow who knows?  The games for sure, but whether it’s Drew, Optimus Prime, Spiderman, or Batman we will not know until we get there.  It doesn’t matter though, he is our son and we will take him regardless of who he is.

Goodnight from Missouri and God Bless! (And keep the house clean Scotty!)


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