Cat and Mouse…..

I have to confess that I am enjoying the view.  My office is in between Scott/Ben’s room and our room, and as Ben is in his bed, I hear the familiar words, “Mom, I am scared.”  Of course he is not scared, but it serves him as an excuse to head into try and suck up to his mom.

There is good news and bad news in this though.  The bad news is that it never really works……at the start.  The good news is that he keeps at it an he wears her down.  It is a game of cat and mouse at its best.  And sadly for my wife, she is dealing with a four year old professional.

He is actually IN my office now, playing….but at every mention of her name he gets the “deer in the headlights” look and bolts to his room.  Sadly for him we have a signal.  I cough loudly in code and she will appear and he will be removed.

And of course that is just what has happened and now he is back in his room crying.  He doesn’t understand that this is not our first rodeo, but that’s okay.  It is fun to watch.  He is a real stinker and a true Tirman.  Thank God for him too.  He makes me laugh pretty hard.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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