A blog on Facebook worth note…..

I am writing tonight to encourage you to check out another blog which is found on Facebook called “When Dementia came Knocking, a daughter’s journey.”  It is written by my cousin Christine Tirman, and is about her journey with her mom, the Matriarch of our family, Odette Tirman.    It is a great read, and particularly relevant as so many of us go through these same issues.

But more than anything, I encourage you to pray for them.  Dealing with these issues is a hard, but inevitable thing.  And sadly, we all go through it.  I love my family, and I am blessed to have them.  But more than that, I thank God for the courage of my cousin to post this journey.  It will be a blessing to you as well.  Give it a look and see what you think.  I am sure you will find it a blessing to you as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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