LEAF me alone……..

I do not want to exaggerate, but our yard is just about two acres of land and has approximately 7 million trees on it.  And with it scheduled to rain tonight and tomorrow, I had to get out on the riding mower and mulch up the leaves on the ground.

It is pretty much a daily chore now to get these mulched, and so much easier than raking.  If they get wet, they mess the whole thing up, so that’s why I needed to get out there today.  7 million trees produce a lot of leaves, but fortunately I am up to the task.

I did get an earful from one of the “herd” of squirrels who lives in our yard.  He was definitely not happy. My best guess is that enough leaves have fallen to expose his shower or something similar, but whatever it was, he was not happy about it.  I did consider waking the dog up to chase him, but he was already tree-ed.

So at least I know tomorrow will not be a mowing/mulching day, as it will be wet.  I suppose I can live with that.  I have already been out there four times and most of the leaves are not even close to being down.  I can tell it’s going to be a busy few weeks ahead!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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