Mr. Popularity……..

Well, here I sit once again at home alone.  And what makes it all the more pathetic is that I got my weeks confused thinking a dinner party for the parish of St. Matthew’s was next Friday when it turns out it was last night!  And now I will sit for TWO nights with nothing to do.

Of course I COULD go out and get into trouble.  I was actually an expert at such things as a kid, but I have decided against it.  Scott will be home from band practice sooner or later (probably later) and the dog and cat need to be fed.  (Please do not get all caught up in the excitement)  Amanda is with Steph and Cassie seeing some Chinese acrobats in Missouri, and even Ben is hanging out with some friends on a play date.

So I will sit here and work on my sermon.  I have started it about 5 times, and have always ended it.  I am seeing a clear change in how I write these days, as I have moved from a complete manuscript to doing this back and forth nonsense and then just talking off the cuff.  It really isn’t off the cuff at all though, as I have been working on it all week.  BUT I find that I now tend to deviate from what I have written anyway, and  it gets all jumbled then.  Perhaps God is calling me to something new…..

But for now I will hang out in this empty house and contemplate what to do next.  Yes, I have seen “Risky Business,” and doing that dance would not only probably injure me, but traumatize my animals.  Instead I think I will get in my workout clothes and get onto the treadmill.  I was heading there anyway when our power went out earlier.  It will kill an hour and be good for me…….at least a lot better for me than dancing.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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