Inside the Actor’s Studio…..I mean HOME….

It has been a LONG day, and everyone is gone, but he tries to make me feel like I am his number one.  Viper is such a great dog, but even though I appreciate it, it is all an act….if Scotty would walk in he’d drop me quicker than a rock star’s girlfriend.  But I let him do his thing, mostly because his heart is in the right place.  He is a pretty great friend even when I am not his first choice.

After doing two services, (equal to the amazing Father PT Morgan today) I got in my truck to help some parishioners move.  We are actually moving most of their stuff tomorrow, but I am Deacon Steve (and his wife Aracelly) were available, so we met them in Greenfield and loaded up for the trip to Greenwood (apparently they are attached to the cities with the partial name “green”).    But my truck kept acting up.  It started fine here, but in GreenFIELD it would not start.  And then in GreenWOOD it would not start either.  Deacon Steve “jumped” me, and I want to be clear that is was helping me to get my battery started, as we are clergy.

But upon my arrival at home, I realized that my wipers were SLOW.  So at the house I opened up the hood.  Sure enough, after a thorough inspection, I discovered the wire from the alternator (it CHARGES the battery) was frayed.  I repaired it, and am charging the battery now as I type.  Hopefully I will see some changes in the morning!  It is a $600 truck for God’s sake!  It should run like a top!  (And no, I do not know what that means.)

But for now I am still alone, with an actor dog, and awaiting my family.  The morning will come soon enough, but in between the Bears come on in 15 minutes!

Life is good!  And the day, overall, was not bad either!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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