Reliving the 70’s……..

Yep, the title is exactly how I feel.  My truck, my beloved but STUPID truck, was repaired last night (by me) so that the alternator was actually CONNECTED to the battery, and that was a good thing.  But on my way back down to Greenfield this morning my gauges AND my radio died.  No problem, fuse, right? Nope wrong.  There are only 10 of them and all of them were good.  So I stopped by the Autozone and replaced them ALL anyway……and BAM, it all worked.

Of course that was up until I filled up, then it was back to nothing.  But then I knew I had a full tank so no worries.  It came back a little later in the day and is still on, but it will need some looking to, and I just didn’t have the time today.

But it reminded me of my cars in the 70’s.  I had three of them, but not all at once.  I had TWO Ford Pintos, that were really awesome (even though the people who died in them were from our community, mine were fixed in the recall), and a Chevy Nova (Spanish for “no go”).  They all were great cars, that was when they were working.  But in the days before computers in cars you opened up the hood and had only about 10 options….all of which you could fix.  That’s the case with my truck too.  I will rewire it SOON because there are not that many wires AND no computer.  But I felt just like I did in the 70’s as I was pulling over to fix my truck.

But that’s not all.  In the 70’s air conditioning and power locks and windows were an OPTION.  And my cars, as well as my truck, have none of them.  And it normally isn’t so bad, but it is the harvest around here and the crops are all dry, and every farmer in the state is collecting their crop and kicking up dust.  In my cars I have air, and power windows (that have good seals).  In my truck I have no air, crappy (the cleaner term) windows, and the propensity to suck in dust.  And what else reminds me of the 70’s???  The fact that I have very BAD allergies……..that have been not so bad in my modern cars.

So the bottom line is that I am miserable.  I love my truck, but I would gladly trade it for a modern one if I could just afford it.  In truth, I am more of a truck guy anyway.  And despite the misery, I feel better driving it than anything.  (Of course I try to do it alone….it’s pre-air bag and safety such)  But I am a truck guy at heart.

So today I relived the 70’s, and although I am miserable, I am clearly the better for it.  If only I was not reliving it with a 50 year old body!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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