I am sick, but I am also Batman…..

As if life couldn’t get an more difficult.   Ben was sick last night and today, and had a fever that would not break as well as some pretty severe abdominal pain.  It was pretty scary.

The doctor worried that it might be his appendix, which meant a CT scan with contrast, something I am deathly allergic to.  He was a brave little guy, and fortunately getting the IV was harder for him than the dye.  Amanda held his hand through it, and I stayed in the hall and prayed for him not to have my messed up allergy.  Kids at that age need their mommies, and if I were in there he would cry for her I was certain. And they both did great….really she was more a mess than he was.

But in the end the CT showed the appendix was in the clear.  He was not to eat or drink till then to be ready for a possible surgery, so that was good news.  The bad news was he still had a pretty fair fever, and he really didn’t want to eat or drink anyway.

But it is now 10pm and he is in bed with a temperature that is going DOWN and much less pain.  It may turn out to be a medical mystery, but I do not care.  He is feeling a little better and hopefully a lot better by morning.  The picture is from a few minutes ago.  The title is a quote.  And the prognosis is looking up.

Thanks so much for your prayers.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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