
I almost got myself in trouble for taking this picture, but really not for this one…..rather the one before that included her sleeping.  But Ben has snuck int our bed once again tonight and they were TWINS as they slept, so being a guy who thinks that kind of thing is funny, I decided to take a picture.  The general interpretation, and when I say that I mean the interpretation from the General, was that it was neither funny or acceptable……thus this picture.

But Ben’s illness has made him seem to believe that his room is now our room.  Not that he doesn’t think that all the time, but we had made such progress with him.  He actually told me today that he was never going to move out and that he and Scott were going to live with us forever because they are “best friends.”  Somehow I wonder if that may be true!

But the bottom line is that I am keeping the picture I didn’t post, and will show it to her in a few years when she misses stuff like that.  I really am not trying to embarrass anyone, and it really is a great picture. I just have to respect the fact that she has no clue as to what a great “impact picture” that picture is.  I probably could have won a Pulitzer.  Sadly, I will just stay here in the minor leagues.

I do not want to complain though, for no one loves to see the two of them sleep more than me.  For when they do, I do not have to keep an eye on the little one, and I also am not given anything to do.  Bliss bliss bliss!

So with all this bliss I will call it a day.  They obviously already have.  I will not be too far behind for sure.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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