The disappointment of the Superfriends…..

After watching all the Batman and Spiderman and modern superhero stuff we could, I got onto youtube and started to show Ben some old cartoons of the same guys from my era.  Man…..have we come a long way!

First of all, the quality of the cartoons is far better, as one would expect, and that probably goes without saying.  Also in these modern times all the characters do not sound like “Shaggy,” and that’s because Kasey Kasem no longer does 10 character voices in each episode.  No offense to Kasey, but it really grates on you after awhile…..about 2 minutes.  But the most horrendous thing are the plots, because there are none.  Evil always seems to lose, but they probably could have paid Kasey a little less and hired a writer.  It was bad.

But most of all, I was appalled by the fact that I watched these cartoons at one point in my life with great interest, now to be defined as grate interest.  They are so bad that I really struggled to believe I was so drawn to them.  And, I have brain damage NOW, not then, and I can still see that they are clearly poorly done.

I suppose however that this gives credence to a card trick my dad used to do with me when I was young.  I picked a card, and I always ended up sitting on it in the end.  When I asked him to share the tricks magic we got some cards I picked one, and then right before the finale he said, “hey, look over there.”  Apparently I did every time.

Lot’s of things are wasted on youth, because apparently for a good part of if, we are morons……

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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