He never smiles…….

Nope, Batman never smiles, and when we asked him he told us it is so that he protects his secret identity.  And before you think that is it, let me tell you that the picture is from Cindy’s where there was a Halloween party on Wednesday.   He not only didn’t smile, but got after anyone who called him Ben, because of the very same thing…..he needed to protect his identity.

Of course we all know it here, putting us on the same security clearance as Alfred and Robin (Dick Grayson) I suppose.  But far be it from me to let the cat out of the bag (a saying that both I and the cat are uncomfortable with).  I will instead maintain the high level of trust and secrecy expected from the parent of a true to life superhero.
I guess I should admit that I am used to it.  After so many years as a priest you get used to keeping such things confidential.  One of the other two kids was/is Superman, and almost choked to death when he was 10 because he tied his cape too tight……but I am not naming any names.
For now I suppose I should just be satisfied that I apparently have superhero genes.  Oh if it were only my who was that cool.  But then again, I would probably blow it all……..I have trouble at times keeping a straight face!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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