The new Nelsons……..

As the boys and I completed the renovation of my office, we had to stop at Sam Ash and see the new drum set Scotty was buying.  Scott is a talented musician, but in his band he is the drummer, and he is trading in a couple of drum sets to get this new one.

But his little brother was fascinated by the music store.  He loves music just like Scotty does, but is more attracted to guitars than drums.  So we found him one.  It is a beginner’s electric guitar with a battery powered amp.  Battery powered amps stink, but fortunately for Ben he is the youngest of a musical family, so his brother not only tuned his guitar, but plugged it into a real amp.  Ben now thinks he is in a band with Scotty, and maybe someday he will be.  He just keeps telling me he likes to play “rock and roll.”

But Scotty is ready to give him a few lessons, and Ben seems anxious to learn.  I am sure he will pick it up.  His brother is an amazing musician, and Ben idolizes him.  There is no telling what the two of them will end up doing.  But for the time being, it is fun to see them at this together.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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