The Office….it just keeps getting weirder……

Yes, this is what it has come down to.  My office has been redone, but my youngest has now commandeered the desk and desk chair, and declares that he is now the “boss” and that everyone should be quiet while he reads his Ironman coloring book.  Oh it gets better…….we have to sit in the chairs in front of the desk and just listen.  We are not even allowed to talk to each other.  After all, he is the boss, and his word is what matters.

The picture was taken after his brother and I were banished to the non-boss chairs.  Amanda came home a short while later and they had a talk that I thought perhaps got some traction that I will call for the lack of an official title, “Every boss has a mommy and she is really in charge.”  It looked like it took until his 9pm session where his mommy was also banished to the non-boss area.  He is a pretty stern boss, there is no doubt about it.

But as I type this the battle is over.  I am in bed, Amanda is asleep already, and Ben is with Scott doing God knows what, but what we are all clear of is that whatever it is Ben is in charge.  They were downstairs earlier eating crackers and making jokes.  They are now in their section of the house and I can hear them laughing.  They can keep at it as far as I am concerned.  I am off the clock.  My new boss has been at me all night, and I am just glad at this point to be able to get a little rest!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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