The winds of change……

I have been up all day with little sleep, and was heading home in the midst of a pretty good wind storm that made driving difficult…..thank God!

The reason that I am so thankful is that the Town of Edgewood sent me a notice that one of my trees, and there are many, needed to be cut back (majorly), and that was what I intended to do this afternoon.  In fact, I had the intention to cut back that tree and many other things on our property.  But as they say, “the road to hell is paved with substandard asphalt.”  I realized on my drive home from Bloomington that perhaps being tired and sore was not the best time to get out my chain saw for a major project in a wind storm.  After all they also say, “a lumberjack with no arms can’t really type.”

So my tree cutting day will now be tomorrow, fill of rest, with no wind AND no supervision.  And I will start in the morning, so it will be just coffee in my system and gasoline in my chainsaw.  It should be a fun day.

But for now I will call it a day.  My schedule was pretty tight today, and although there was wind outside, it didn’t prevent me from having lots of work waiting for me at home……preisty-stuff.  That too will carry over until tomorrow……and sadly for me, the wind storm will be long gone.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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