My young bikini adventure……..

Today I have seen Ironman, Spiderman (SpiTERman here) and Superman.  The costumes are being changed more quickly than those at a Lady GaGa concert (not that I have been there, but I have heard).  It has been a whirlwind experience, but quite honestly it has not been the most interesting thing in my day.

Late this morning I was alerted to a couple of pictures of a young woman in a bikini that was really smaller than her body should have been in, that was posted to Facebook and was tagged with my name.  Oh her name was there, as was her body (which you could see a lot of) and it showed up on MY Facebook profile only to be viewed by the 1200 or so people who are connected to me.  And although I am was flattered that she (whoever she is) chose to attempt to embarrass me, to be quite honest most young women in that age bracket do not care for married 50 year old priests, and the percentage drops considerably when you add the bikini.  (I would anticipate that the percentage would drop into negative numbers had I been in a bikini)

So I untagged the picture, which is a way to remove my name from it when it circulates, and posted that even I considered it pretty funny……because it was.

And I am still getting ribbed for it too, and I imagine it will go on for quite some time.  But you shouldn’t dish out the jokes if you can’t take a one.  So my hat is off to you “Miss Scantily Clad Woman Who Needs Better Advice on What Size Bikini to Buy.”  But that is really just a line, because I rarely wear a hat.  My hope and prayer for you is that you live in Florida or somewhere warm.  It snowed here yesterday, and it would break my heart to see you catch your death of pneumonia.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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