The calm, or at least relative calm, before the storm……

Yep, she’s packing.  Tomorrow Amanda will be leaving for Belgium and will not be home until Friday.  The only female left in the house will be the cat, and to be honest, she works for us.  We will once again be living unsupervised with lots of opportunity for trouble, for although Ben considers himself a superhero with great principles and ethics, he is just as easy to bribe as that cat.  We should have a ball.

Of course she will return, as she always does, and we will find out what kind of trouble we will be in.  (My high school English teacher is now living among the Saints, so I felt it was safe to end my last sentence with a preposition.  I will deal with her when I make it!)  Amanda however I will deal with on Friday.  We will use the same old excuses, like how things just don’t go well without her and such, and then Ben will give her those sad eyes that are of the Puss-n-boots level.  They always work.  Plus, she is always tired, and never seems to have the energy to deal with our shenanigans until the jet lag wears off.  By then we are Scott-free, but not really because he lives with us, and at 6’2″ you notice him around.

But we will do our very best to survive this next week without her.  I am certain we will suffer immensely!  Bwhahaha!  I hope Ben can keep his mouth shut about all those Twinkies!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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