“I think that I shall never see……..”

It was the poet Edmund Fizgerald who wrote, “A book of verses underneath the bough, A jug of wine, a loaf of bread-and thou.”  I would like to say that I thought of that today, and I suppose I did in retrospect, but my poetry might go like this instead, “A lot of work, Subway and a nap, A great Bears’ victory and a vodka tonic with my wife flying to Belgium.”  And although I find this very moving, I can see why poetry has not become a career for me……but I try.

The good part is that Amanda is in the air, and I am home with the one boy I am legally required to supervise.  AND, he is in his pajamas and has been fed.  He has already told me that he will need to be sleeping with me, and although it has not escalated to an argument, it is a conversation that I would declare is not quite over yet.  He has more energy and more persistence, so the jury is out on the victor.  I am just thankful for the opportunity to have these conversations when I am tired and nothing more serious.  I am just too tired for anything deeper than the shallow end at this point.
But today has been a productive day.  I was sorry I could not take Amanda to the airport but Ben and Scotty did.  From the reports I heard, Amanda cried, and Ben got a toy with his Happy Meal at the airport.  I was down in Nashville covering for my brother Dan Conley whose wife Merry Ann is recovering from a heart attack.  It was a good trip and a real blessing to me.  Don’t get me wrong, I would be happy to take Amanda to the airport, but I doubt if I would have gotten a toy…….so I settled for a phone call.
Please keep Amanda in your prayers as she travels.  She had a migraine this week and is out of sorts.  No, not as out of sorts as when she married me, but just a bit foggy and not herself.  International travel can be hard (it’s what I hear) and I just hope she does well.  She will return on Friday.  (I know she is bringing home chocolate from Belgium, but not waffles….last time the syrup got all over her clothes).  
Anyway, I will head off and have my sleep in your own bed conversation.  Wish me luck.  Lord knows what superhero he is dressed as in his room, but whoever it is, he will be a worthy adversary.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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