I am in control……..

The picture is from this morning where he insisted he could dress himself.  He is a “doctor” and a “boss,” but apparently one who understands very little about buttons.  Fortunately, he had the day to explain that to Cindy.

He is now home with me tonight and my hope for a different dynamic is not coming true.  It is only when his mom is around that he is distracted.  Thus, if my work is not done before I pick him up from Cindy’s, I am clearly not able to get anything done.  I have tried mind you, but Batman, toys, holsters, and the need for snacks have made accomplishing anything impossible.

So I am now in my bed, and he is here with me.  It is far easier to deal with his delusions than to have him coming in here every 15 seconds asking me something.  But I keep telling myself, it is only 4 more years…..I mean days.  I will just have to be a better planner of tomorrow to make sure I am ready for the evening!

But all in all, it is really more entertaining than oppressive.  He is “playing legos,” which was not my first guess, but is playing by himself while I type.  He has quite the imagination, and for now I am thankful for it.

Tomorrow will soon however be upon us, and I actually will have “real work” to do.  Hopefully things will settle in just a few.  Amanda is 6 hours ahead of us, and will call when she wakes up, which should be between 12 and 1.  My prayer is that the legos game is not still in session.

Pray for me……he has far more energy than I do!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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