Valentine’s around the schedule……..

Since our day is packed tomorrow and since he worked so hard, he asked me if he could give his mom her Valentine’s gifts that he made tonight rather than in the morning.  The schedule is very tight in the morning and knowing that we have something for him then made this a good idea.  PLUS, if you ever had to deal with a 6 year old that is excited about something you know that you can be in bed and here him knock on your door every 5 minutes for 6 hours about how he cannot sleep, or you can just deal with the issue directly, which is what we did.

All and all it worked out quite well, as they were able to spend the time looking at her gifts and keeping all the attention, particularly his.  There is nothing so distracted as a child who is anticipating a gift, and it was a real blessing to see his pride in all that he had done (and yes, I only helped and gave a little direction).  And in addition to all that, she was deeply moved by it as well, and had he not been such a nitnort, I am guessing the tears I could see welling up would have just came.  So they sat and looked at it all together.

The frame is pretty self-explanatory, but he has those pictures in order.  And every picture is of them both, including in the book…..just him and her.  He picked out all of them and decided which ones went where, and of course designed his own cover.  He almost didn’t make it to the real Valentine’s Day though as in “our office” together, (past his bedtime) he decided on a more elaborate design.  His “editor” urged him to not, and “warned” him that this would not be a good idea.  In fact, the editor told him to “just draw a heart,” which after a bit of “discussion” he did.  After it was all done however, that little snake took a pencil and drew arms and legs on the heart and then just looked at his editor and laughed.  It reminded me of my mom once telling me that she hoped I would have the kids I deserved, yet tonight I thought God would think I had already paid…..and twice.  Of course I did think He might be saying (God) you will do this until you get it right, but I am always heading in the wrong direction!

Anyway, I suppose it doesn’t matter as it was not about me, but about him and his mom.  He did a great job too and I enjoyed working with him.  Mind you I don’t want to do it again, but it was fun while it lasted.

And speaking of things that last, I have lasted to the end of the day and quite honestly considering it all, it is a miracle.  But while he worked I finished my stuff for her too.  We are all on a schedule……and with Valentine’s Day tomorrow, I do not want to be behind in mine!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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