At 40k, just three sleeps to go……….

Dear Lord, I just accidentally saw that I have close to 40,000 page views, and will be over that by tomorrow.  It absolutely humbles me to know that people actually follow this, or even occasionally read it.  I honestly began it for one reason, to fight the good fight of faith, but that dang stroke got in the way.  Now it is my therapy, although at times it still fights the good fight.  But I am blessed that people read it, yet if no one did at all, I would thank God for the opportunity to exercise this broken mind of mine.

But tonight my mind is elsewhere.  I am here in my bed, and I am not getting any peace.  BEN is here and  although I would rather he head to his own bed, he is really out of sorts when his mom is not here.  It is not that he does not love me or Scott, or his dog , or his cat… is that he would throw us ALL under the bus as it were for her.  And the bottom line is that if I do not have everything done by 5 when I pick him up when she is traveling, the rest of the day is cooked because he has no concept of privacy.

It however has been a great night.  Scotty and I took him to Red Robin where he was a hit.  We came home and Ben disappeared, but Batman was everywhere.  Batman has now left the building (like Elvis) and he is just chatting away as I type.  Only three more sleeps as he says before the cavalry arrives.

It is a great way to go over 40k!  Thanks for being a part of my crazy life!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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