Witness to a crime………

That’s right, today I was a witness to a crime, and I am torn as to what to do about it.  About 3pm I was driving down Park Avenue about two miles from home when I saw it.  It was an amazing feat.  A panicked brown squirrel darted in from of my car from the corn field to my right with a cob of corn as big as he was.

I think he was worried about me as if I were the farmer or predator of some kind, but I was driving my wife’s 2003 Civic Hybrid which in my mind would have made me look like more of some kind of animal activist.  I was not armed, not even hungry, let alone for any type of rodent.

But it was really very funny.  He was running away with his “loot” and although it technically was not his, I decided to let him go as I was not sure whose field it was anyway, nor could I identify him in a line up.  I have about a dozen squirrels who live in my yard that I feed, and if it is not the baby one that lives in the woodpile, I would not know one from another.

So I will turn my head at this one, not out of apathy, but out of sheer respect for his guts and determination.  I have laughed all day about it, and I do hope he enjoys it.  I feed my squirrels peanuts, and will be spreading an entire bag for him to give him some variety in that general location, sometime before the weekend ends.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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