Whine and cheese………

Mercy, I am tired, although not as tired as my wife.  We picked her up at 5pm from the airport where she flew in from Belgium. (Yes, I know, and are her arms tired.)  But to her, the time was 11pm as we she had been in the country of Van Damme all week.  (He’s the muscles from Brussels)  so she was beat.

Of course my day had been no picnic.  Ben refused to leave my side as today was Friday and he didn’t want to miss the trip to the airport. (As if I had often left him behind….)  And it had been a hectic day as well, but I seemed to have all my ducks in a row as I left.  And this was a big thing too, as ducks are really not all that compliant.

So we took an hour drive to pick her up at really the worst time to drive through Indy, Friday afternoon at rush hour.  It took us well over an hour, but the good news was we were able to get her on time.  St. Patrick’s was holding a wine and cheese party at 7 in Noblesville, and of course it was still rush hour.  And yes, it took us the rest of the time to drive up there.

Yes, I am whining, but the great part was after we arrived I was then wine-ing, and I had a great time.  I am not sure however about my wife………..I just carried her in and propped her by the door until we left.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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