Praying for peace……..

I would like to say that I am completely prepared for tomorrow, but I have to confess I have everything done but my sermon.  I have had a busy day, but a great one…..I just didn’t have time to get everything I wanted to get done finished.

I began the day with breakfast in Kokomo with my former Bishop and good friend Doc Loomis.  It had been a while since we had been together, and it was a real blessing to spend some time with him.  He will be making his Visitation with Christ the King in Kokomo tomorrow (on Christ the King Sunday, imagine that!).  Christ the King is a Church that we planted some years ago, and I pray it is a wonderful celebration!

Unfortunately for me, I will not be a part, meaning mainly that I am going to have to have a sermon for the two services I will be doing tomorrow.  I am not too worried though, as it is just 9pm, and I still have plenty of time.  It however, will have to come in the morning.  Amanda is spent and already in bed. Scott is out with his band, and Ben has been in and out of our room trying to talk his way into our bed.  (There is always some crisis-oriented reason).  The bottom line however is that it is doubtful that I will get any more done tonight.

So it is into temporary “retirement” I go, which is another way of saying I can no longer work and will run interference to make sure he doesn’t wake up his mom.  It will be a disaster if he does, so it is choosing the good portion for sure. He however is plenty of entertainment.  I just want to keep this a comedy and not some sort of tragic ending thriller for me!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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