My screwed up life…..

It is just 8:30 pm, although it feels like midnight, and I am in bed typing unsure if I will ever go to sleep again.  I took a nap this afternoon with the intention of it being a short one…..going down at 2 with the alarm set for 4 so I could watch the Bears’ game.  Apparently you need to take your phone of silent for the alarm to go off.

So the bottom line is that I was up just shy of 6, and in addition to the Bears’ game, I was going to bleach our tile floors on the main floor in preparation for Thanksgiving.  They are nice floors, and we had them professionally done by “Stanley Steamer” in May for $450, but that lasted 15 minutes (I would not recommend it).  So I did it myself tonight after my “more than lengthy nap” and it looks great… it was for free.  AND the added benefit is that my family will collect all that insurance money from my dying from inhaling all that beach.  I am certain they will find the turkey easier to swallow as they are talking about their planned Caribbean “grief-vacation.”

So yes, I am a bit loopy and all I smell is bleach, but I am in bed ready for the coroner.  But sadly for all of them, I will probably live through the morning and even through Thanksgiving.  And although I am certain everyone will make comments about the turkey, no one will mention the floors.  So it is with my life.  But I do not do it for the praise, I do it because I am afraid of my wife!!

Tonight’s picture is of she and Ben reading a bedtime story in HIS BED……where I anticipate, despite my hard work, I will wake her up in the same outfit at 6am tomorrow morning!

My life is screwed up….but at least our floors are clean!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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