In anticipation……….

Why is it that my weekly weigh-ins for Weight Watchers, as well as my birthdays, come about every 15 minutes, but Stephanie coming home for Thanksgiving seems to take forever?  I just talked with her on the phone and she WILL be home tomorrow before midnight, but I anticipate that going slower than a glacier.  I will wait because I have to, but few things get my goat (no I do not know what that means other than it is appropriate here) more than waiting for my kids.

Of course two of them are already here and all the time.  And it amuses me to see the two brothers anxiously awaiting their sister.  I bet they do not get into it (argue about anything) tomorrow night, but something always goes awry with siblings sooner or later.  Right now they all miss each other a great deal, but when there is just one piece of white meat turkey left, Steph will have seniority, Scott will be the strongest, and who would want to disappoint the little brother?  In truth, none of them will care and we will see it…..although it will be about something else because I am old and I am the one who deserves it.

And Steph is also bringing two of her housemates with her, as they live in Maryland and will not be heading home.  It will be great to have ALL of them here, and I know Amanda is just beside herself about being able to host a big Thanksgiving here.  (we normally go to my dad’s, but he is in prison…..oh wait, I mean he is at his in-laws) (and no, it was just a joke…..they are delightful people and in NO WAY was I comparing them to a Warden and staff……my wife is really the Warden, just ask her!)

So this Thanksgiving will be quite different.  I will be hosting, and not hanging at my dad’s.  I will not head home and make a trip out to see my mom at the nursing home or call my grandma.  But I will celebrate my thankfulness for their genetics by hanging with their grandkids.

I can’t wait…….but of course I will have to.  Time is dragging!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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