Family trip!

My disappearance from this blog these last few days has been intentional, as we went to visit Stephanie in Missouri for her home opener.  Lindenwood is rated #14 in the NCAA II Coaches’ Poll, and as it is her Senior year, we wanted to be there.  With Viper having arthritis and narcotics simultaneously however, we decided to take him with us rather than boarding him in a kennel at our vets.  Sleeping on the floor at a hotel is far more comfortable for him, plus he got to see Steph and a few of his other friends out there.  With that however, we left the house only “cat-ed” and alarmed, rather than having people stay there, so I didn’t want to advertise that or post pictures away as I didn’t want to invite trouble.  After all, my copy of Dr. Phil’s “Life Strategies” is worth probably about 4 bucks on the black market.  My wife always quotes her grandma who said, “you don’t borrow trouble,” and I say “you don’t invite it either.’  And doing this on a whim just made these decisions prudent.

But we had a great time!  It was as cold (not as hell as hell is hot), but to the extent that I was quite uncomfortable out by the field.  Yes, they did provide indoor seating which Ben and Amanda took advantage of, but I am a purest.  (Plus I cannot see from the athletic center’s room as I have the eyes of a mole).  But I do not regret one dang second of my choice to stay outside.  It’s important to me as her dad, and if regular readers remember I left my position as head coach of the Noblesville High School Lady Millers Lacrosse team in order to be able to support Steph and her team.  So had I not been there, I would have been out on some sub-zero field anyhow everyday for practice and games.  Watching the Lions I only do so at games.

And this is it too.  They won 16-10 and with a strong season can qualify to play for the National Title in May.  As a coach, even just while watching, I always go play by play, minute by minute.  Execute in the now, recover and adapt to mistakes, and to not lose sight of what it right in front of you.  Not every moment will be spectacular……..refs with make bad calls, players will get frustrated, teammates can lose focus.  But good players see that and work to rise above that.  Great players set it aside for the play in front of them.  This is a great team, with a great staff, and a lot of vision.

As a coach on a almost completed hiatus, and a former player (although it was ice hockey) I will say confidence and belief in oneself change the dynamic.  To me, every puck was mine to take from an opponent, every shot a goal I expected to make, and every pass one that I expected a teammate could take if my options seemed shut out.  A team in not one in individuality, it is one by it’s collective commitment to team… selfishness, no egos, and a common vision and mission to win each game.

No one likes a coach, particularly a good one, and even more particularly one who coached quite a few players now playing at these levels, to chime in on The Lindenwood Staff.  I will do so to say they are FANTASTIC, and with  record speaks for itself.  They teach me too.  And I have complete confidence that they are not only contenders for a title here, but will be often in many year to come.

It was a pretty awesome weekend and we were glad to be a apart!  Go Lions!

So goodnight my friends and God Bless.  And please enough tonight’s picture of Ben and Steph celebrating there genetic goofiness together.  After all, you’ve gotta be able to also cut loose off the field and recharge with that which gives you life!

Keep it up Lions!  You are a very strong and balanced team, and you will go far, and hopefully this year too!!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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