Of piratey things and parenthood…..

Arrrrghhh, and not in a pirate way either.  Steph is out visiting friends tonight and in the morning I will only be able to see her when she comes to church…..then she is heading back to Missouri.  Why do things like visits fly by, and things like trips to the BMV drag on forever?  It just kills me to see her go.

And of course, we had family pictures scheduled for this afternoon which my stupid eye cancelled me out of.  My right eye has been a problem pre-stroke.  The doctors have said that my stroke in 2008 was probably not my first, and I can bet right when another happened, because my vision in that eye went south immediately.  It has been problematic ever since too.

But for the last year or so my right eye often looks like I have pink eye.  I don’t, but it hurts, and the trips to the ophthalmologist always include, “wow the pressure in that eye is a lot higher than normal,” yet nothing is ever accomplished.  I have drops, I use hot compresses, I use cold packs……I do everything but gouge it out.  And to be honest, I am miserable from it.  I just want to see out of it and have it be normal.  I don’t care about having to wear glasses, I just don’t want it to hurt and I want to LOOK normal too.

But the nice part is that when I tear up tomorrow when she leaves, I can blame it on my eyes.  She will only be gone for two weeks until Christmas break, but that is long enough.  Oh if I were just really a pirate.

But no, I am just a dad. who wishes he could hang with his kids everyday.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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