Her Royal Highness……..

I have a small balcony off my office, and the cat always likes to go out on it and sit on the ledge an survey a kingdom that she believes she rules, but will never go out in as she is an indoor cat.  The ledge however seems to satisfy her, for from it she feels quite majestic.

In out last home we had no balcony, but she had a routine there as well.  We would let her out the window of Scotty’s room where she would climb the roof to its very peak and sit for hours looking down on us.  She hardly ever came in, and being a small cat I was always worried about a hawk or an owl coming for her up there, but perhaps that was her plan.  She is feisty and packs a punch.  I often wonder if she might be armed.

But tonight her royal highness beckoned me to the door of the balcony and I faithfully opened both the outer and screen doors.  She then proceeded to stare angrily out into the darkness…….rain.  How dare it?  And somehow the look I got as she walked away made me feel as if it were my fault.  I clearly am going to have to do a better job tomorrow.

But I suppose she deserves her due.  She is 9, and she is living with a 4 year old.  It’s not all bunnies and flowers for her that is for certain.  Plus, she and I gave up our back porch, and although we have a side porch now where she can see squirrels on all sides, sadly without a table in there it is less conducive to typing for me.  She will have to live with the balcony.

And apparently I will have to continue to live with her and her demands.  After all, I do not want to make her angry.  She fears nothing and rules the roost.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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