No time for crime……….

The picture is of what I turned around to find this morning as I was driving him to Cindy’s.  All I know for certain is that it is NOT BEN.  Apparently that would be giving away his secret identity.  But perhaps I have already shared too much.  Please forgive me.

There however, is never a dull moment for me, and although I was clearly surprised as I looked behind me, I was comforted in that I was most probably the safest man in the world at that point.  After all, what criminal would even dare to mess with us with him in his full crime-fighting gear?

It really cracked me up, but it did even more so when Amanda and I went to pick him up in her car.  He was soon dressed in character again, but there was just one time when she turned around to talk to him for just a second, but he had his mask up on his head.  He went ballistic and she received a short but poignant lecture on why he needs to protect his secret identity.  It reminded me at how she cried at her ultrasound when she saw he would be a boy, as she had her heart set on a girl……BUT now she always shares how her life with him couldn’t be better.  After all, Barbie talk and my little ponies would be far less entertaining for her, and he sees his mission primarily to protect her from not just the Decepticons, but anything evil that is afoot.  She used to laugh at me, now she laughs with me…….at this strange superhero who lives in our house and rides in our backseats.

He seems a pretty swell chap……..I just wish we knew who he was.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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