
Okay, it is not the real one, but even before the move it was my favorite horse…..I saw it all live too.  But this horse’s name is actually “Sandy” and this ride cost me approximately ONE CENT at the Noblesville Meijer.  It however, was worth it.  It was the best piece of a long day that saw us trade in Steph’s car for a different car for Amanda.  Steph took the hybrid that I tried, but gave back and Amanda gave back too.  And now Amanda is happy, I am still in my dinky car, and Ben rode a horse….albeit a plastic one.  Life is good, just not for me.

But despite my stroke I do have memories of Secretariat, who won all those races by 350 lengths.  And is is pretty cool when they make MOVIES out of events that you loved and witnessed.  And as certain that I was that my kids would be impressed by this, I must admit that I was WRONG.  They could care less.  I am old to them, and all they hear is rambling.   I am clearly just in the way of their inheritance as is my 20 year old wife!!!  Hahaha….who has the last laugh now???   (Of course it is my wife, because I will be dead!)

So why would I need to complain being this old and so close to my eternal demise???  I won’t!  But I am an “older” guy living in a young guy’s world.  I remember THE horse, but to everyone else the horse is but a character in a NOSTALGIC movie.

Oh well, what do I care?  I am old and confused, and most of all I AM ENJOYING IT!  My horse won the race, and actually ALL OF THEM.  And you cannot take that away from me……even if I am old!

Goodnight and God Bless!


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