Feeling pretty ice………

I remember typing this blog from a hotel in Akron, Ohio at the beginning of November where I spoke of how happy I was that it was my LAST out of town trip for the year.  I was looking forward to just staying at home.  But as they say “the best laid plans of mice and men generally get screwed up.”  Or something like that.  I was to host the meeting I will be leaving for tomorrow, because we moved it to Michigan.  And of course being a northerner myself, I know that there is generally no better time to visit Michigan than in the winter.  (Their motto:  “Snow 360 days a year!  Enjoy our beaches!”)

Of course I am not too broken up about it as I will be taking my skates and will probably get quite a bit of time on the ice while I am there.  I miss skating, and really miss hockey more, but for now I will just reunite my skates with some ice.  THAT will be one of the highlights of my year!  The picture tonight is of the LAST TIME I skated when I took Ben skating for the first time last year!  SHAME SHAME SHAME!

And I will also TRY, with my whole heart, to not think about skating while in my important meetings.  Obviously I hardly think of it at all now, so my best guess is that it will be easy.

But tomorrow I will first head to Ohio.  I have a meeting at 11 in Maumee.  (It is the Indian name for “Panera, just south of this exit.” As opposed to Toledo, which means “dirty chickens” and Sandusky that means “the beach closes at dark.”)   It should be very productive as the Churches and Clergy of our Order are presenting a Church that has lost its building in a lawsuit with some of the basic things they need just to hold a service.  We are pleased to be doing this as we consider it a part of our ministry.

So my next post tomorrow may be post a “rink-visit.”  I don’t know for sure, but maybe.  I just know I will need gloves and a hat and a coat for the next few days.

And please keep my family in your prayers………I know they hardly even get by without me.  Bwhahahaha!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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