On being thankful to be wrong………

Well it has been a rough couple of days, but I appear to have made it.  I have a myriad of things (problems) to deal with and quite often I discover that they have a common connection………me!

As an example, tonight’s picture is of my right shoulder.  It is a “repaired” shoulder, that was fixed by one of the greatest orthopedic surgeons I know, my ortho, Dr. Sexson.  So the question is, “Why then when I have a problem with it, do I wait for it to get better on it’s own?”  The answer quite simply is that I am a guy.  AND, this is exasperated by the fact that I am a guy from the generation where in athletics you could fix “anything” with athletic tape…..this included compound fractures, the reattachment of limbs, and heart surgery.  So when this started bothering me about 6 months ago, and I could not tape it away, I went into the guy-mode of “I think I will give it just one more day.”

Of course this logic will baffle any female readers, but to any guy over 40 they will go, “well of course, right!”  But in all honesty, looking back other than athletic tape miraculously healing President Reagan when he was shot, I can think of no time when it really worked for me.  But as a young man that was just part of the rite of passage to old manhood…..being able to recount to the following generations all your old sports injuries because YOU FEEL THEM STILL.  It seemed cool then, and still kind of does now, but all guys know deep down that it is probably not the best philosophy of life.

My body is a living (barely) testament to poor care of sports injuries as a young man.  My favored side, the right, has seen my rotator cuff repaired, including a labrum tear, and a simultaneous scope on the top of my right knee and with a complete opening and patella dissection on the lower part.  Those things don’t happen just watching cartoons.  My back, upper and lower, my right ankle, my right wrist, and left knee have never been cut open, but perhaps are all waiting their turns.   And as for me, I am still waiting and willing to get that Motrin tattoo if they will just sponsor me, as I clearly sponsor them.

But another cortisone shot and the advice that “I shouldn’t wait so long next time,” has done the trick. My belief that I would just heal in time, as well as my belief that if I go in they will tell me they need to do another surgery were both unfounded.  All I can say is that I am thankful to be wrong.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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