Pearl Harbor Day……..

Seventy years ago today the Japanese launched an attack upon Pearl Harbor, not just taking many American lives, but drawing our nation into World War Two.

The years that followed were some of our nation’s hardest, yet greatest.  A generation of Americans stepped up and sacrificed, not just for our great country, but for the world.  Many went off to war and never returned, giving their lives like those who did 70 years ago.

As I look at our country now I am saddened by how we have changed.  “The Greatest Generation” saw this country for what it was, a land of opportunity, possibilities, and freedom.  There was a sense of common purpose and unity that unfortunately we see now in only a few.  And this land has gone from many selfless people to a lot only concerned with self.

But on this day of remembrance, let us not forget those who have gone before us and who set, by their love of God and Country, an example for us to live our lives by.  I will not lose hope, because I believe we can be that country again.

To get there however, we need to not just remember those great men and woman who gave so much for us to get here, but we need to become them in our generation as well.

I remember those who have gone before, and I am not just thankful for them on this and every day, but I will not forget them.

May God Bless them, and may He also bless these United States of America.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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