Genetics gone wild……

I suppose I would be concerned, had I not been certain that this is genetics and it comes from me.  Ben got a little lecture tonight from his mom about wearing pajama shorts in the winter, and so like any thinking Tirman would do, he went and put on a jacket.  It really didn’t work, as most things don’t with her, but she married me and she will just have to live with the consequences and environments of such a decision.

Of course this has not be the strangest thing he has done tonight, and although I am prone to mention a few others I need to confess that the night is not yet done.  But I will say that Captain America just made a visit to my office with his shield hanging on the back of my old phone case that was attached to his pajama shirt, now sans jacket.  The shorts are still there, and I was given a short inservice on the merits of fighting crime…..which of course has nothing to do with Captain America.  But to me it doesn’t matter.  Criminals or Nazis, neither are welcome in my home.

The good news however is that Steph is on her way home for Christmas break and will arrive tomorrow.  we will celebrate her birthday tomorrow night, with all of us, my dad, my sister, and their exchange student Yu, pronounced “you,” and confusing every time I talk to my dad.  But it should be fun.  We will all be there and Yu will be there too… (not Yu) can now see how that goes.  I just though my dad was heading down hill.  I am happy to report he is not.

But for now I will go see what Captain America is up to.  My guess is a little over 3 foot.  But my life is full of bad jokes.  Tonight should be no different.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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