Birthday Macaronis……..

It has been a fantastic night.  Steph got home at 4pm for her Christmas break, and at 4:30 she, Scott, and I were on our way to pick up Ben and then meet Amanda and the rest of those in our family at Macaroni Grill (a grill is something you cook on, not put over your front teeth)to celebrate her birthday.  I am sure she was nervous, if not scared, and she had every right to be.

My family has a particularly rare strain of DNA that can take humor to a level few can understand or even appreciate.  Waiter and waitresses tend to love us because we are far from haughty and draw them into our fun.  My brother Mike brought Steph a very special gift connected to a very long gag.  It cracked us all up.  The only one missing tonight was my dad’s wife Debby who is a newscaster.  She actually interviewed President Obama at the White House yesterday morning and flew back today.  But the news didn’t stop for Steph’s birthday, she had to be on air.  That was too bad for all of us.  But I am sure however had it been MY birthday, the President could have intervened……..after all, I am married to a woman who knows the 50 States Song that RHYMES, and I am fast approaching Willard Scott telling everyone it’s my birthday.   But I digress.

So we are now all home, and I am tired but happy, not just for the great evening, but to have us all home. Steph’s break seems long as it starts but I am certain it will feel all too short.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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