Out with Stephy…….

Steph, Amanda and Ben went out for an adventure today and although I was told about it, I wasn’t invited.  It’s not anything I am upset about, because I wouldn’t have wanted to go anyway.  They went looking for clothes, which Ben thinks is cool, but I find quite torturous.

So I stayed at home and……worked.  And yes, it was far more fun for me.  I did watch the beloved Tim Tebow take down my Chicago Bears, but it was not so bad because I am enjoying all the people who hate Tim Tebow because he is Christian and is actually proud of it.  As a priest I can say that I am glad to see the publicity.  Not all of us are morons, and Tebow is a pretty great role model as well as quarterback. I just want to see him keep it up.
But now after a long day, a Bears’ loss, and a lot of work behind me, I feel compelled to GO TO BED!  Thank God Scotty is not home too, because I have his dog with me who ALWAYS thinks it is time for bed, so I have some support.  I just need to commit myself to getting to tomorrow.
But Ben enjoyed the day with his sister, and Amanda did too.  I can’t be a part of everything, but at least I hear about it.  It made my day…..as well as this great picture from their adventure that they shared with me, and I gladly share with you!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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