Spidey help me!!!!

Well I tried to post tonight, with an idea and theme, but Blogger took me anywhere but where I needed to go.  By the time I finally arrived, not by intention but by luck, the idea had escaped me and I was stressed rather than inspired.  I really am a dinosaur.  I use computers all the time, but would be happy enough if this was just a journal beside my bed.  Technology is often the devil to me, and I really do consider myself blessed that I have (accidentally) figured this out.

But as I mentioned, the idea of what to write that I had all day is gone.  I do not remember much about it, other than I was pleased about it and thought about it a few times through the day.  Pre-stroke, I would torture myself to remember, but post-stroke I know that the odds are far than favorable.  And I have learned to just let such things go.

But how I wish I had somethings funny or clever to share tonight…..because I know I did this morning.  What I can say is that everyday cannot be a win, and I know there will be other opportunities.

So tonight I will take my lumps and just call it a day.  I have the great blessing (these blessings are killing me) of typing this next to Batman who has decided that his is the bed he is sleeping in tonight.  But at least the entertainment I will receive will be far more interesting than my lack of memory…..at least I hope so.

So my Monday is done without incident, but also without accomplishment.  It reminds me of my entire Freshman year of college, only cheaper.  I just hope Tuesday reminds me of something good!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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