Party, no, not really!

OKAY….let the party begin!  Amanda, Steph, and Ben are on their way to KANSAS and Scotty is never home.  Yep, that’s right…….it’s me, an 8 year old dog who sleeps 23.75 hours a day and a cat that doesn’t care for anyone other than herself!  Yep, WILD TIMES!

To prove my point, get this….it is 7:50pm and I am bored and considering just going to bed!  I know….SLOW DOWN WILD MAN.  It is like a beer commercial without the beer, girls, or anything fun.  It would be an appropriate time to confess that I had become my father but quite interestingly at 75, he is really a lot more fun than me.  I am beginning to think my wife married me because I am a good bet for an early grave, or at least bedtime.

But what can I say is, I am what I am, and I have never even ever considered the Navy.  The truth is that I do a lot of stuff within a day, and I really do not pay attention to time…..I rarely even wear a watch.  But I do get a lot done, regardless of the time.

So off to bed I go, despite all the exciting possibilities.  I often wish my life were more exciting, but what can you do.  I used to hate naps, and now I know, sleep is a good friend!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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