Indiana Tirman, part 3, hopefully the final chapter………

Today has been quite the adventure!  I have been to Indianapolis and back, I have purchased out tax program, I have dropped off and picked Ben up from school, I was able to FINALLY find a pair of tennis shoes (though I do not play tennis) and I ended the day with Ben at Panera in Noblesville as we waited for Amanda to get done with her haircut.

Such adventures always provide quite a bit of “thought” material, and most of mine tonight has been thinking about what I was thinking when I became a parent.  I was trailed by Ben all through the Kohl’s and the Walmart for about an hour and constantly apologizing to his incessant talk about Minecraft. Yes, just ask him if you dare.  I do not remember him heading to any special school for this, but he obviously has a PhD.  And, his talk is one constant lecture that he is giving.  Tonight, much to the horror of those Minecraft neophytes around us, he spoke of spawning animals and their eventual arrival at some sort of Minecraft pig/cow heaven where they even have wings.

Of course on countless points I could have corrected his theology, but I was so enjoying people’s reactions that I just let it ride.  After all I thought, Steph and Scott turned out okay, and it was pretty entertaining then too.  What surprises me is just how different each of them is!  And I just hope someday they all come to realization that endured them all.  Maybe, just maybe, it will keep me out of the nursing home.

But for now I will just enjoy the time I have.  I am living the dream, no, certainly not like he is, but then again that would be a clear sign I am well off the cliff.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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