Alien abduction!!!

I probably shouldn’t have talked to her while I was tired, but she did say she was sending me a picture, and I THINK it had to do something with all of them getting abducted by aliens in Kansas.  That kind of thing happens a lot out there, and I suppose by Monday or Tuesday I will know whether or not I am single or married.  Aliens tend to take people or leave them, from what I have seen on TV, but regardless, the pictures are spectacular, and I need to share them.

Amanda and her mom (and regardless of whoever is with them) never stop to rest…..they are always out doing something.  Together or apart, they are often the same person, going to see things or be a part of something they find interesting.  Tonight it was these “lights” and a live “nativity scene.”  (AND ice cream.)  They are always into seeing or doing something, but ice cream seems to be included much of the time.

As for me, I am feigning concern while enjoying the bliss of no “to do” lists or “projects” around the house.  Oh yes, I am certain these are not aliens, and I am also certain this small break from chores is but an illusion.  What I am thankful for (besides the break) is that Ben is having the time of his life as he is his grandma’s pride and joy, and she is far more than that to him.

But I have been working all day and it has been primarily on our new website.  It is spectacular and it should be up within days.  I just fill in info, but the designer  is a genius!  The downside is that it is almost 10pm and I can barely see.  Lord knows what I have posted!

So perhaps I shall call it a night.  I am not sure what to make of the picture, but one thing is for sure.  If any aliens DID ABDUCT my wife I am certain they would drop her off in due time.  She does not care how the chores get done.  And they will get their fill of that soon enough!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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