The “Moron Gene”……..

I received this picture from Amanda tonight for my blog.  It is their last night there and I have to say I was a bit surprised……not to see Steph and Cassie in or around jail mind you, but I had no clue that Cassie was on the trip.  Apparently they picked her up in St. Louis on their way to Kansas.  Amanda thought she had told me, but she had not.  So as you can imagine, the picture was quite a surprise.

Of course Cassie is like a second daughter to me, but one who at least “acts” (she is an actress) like she values my opinion and thinks I am not ancient.  I am sure the truth is that she is a marvelous actor, but for now, and for all the future, I intend to pretend.

But my conversation with my apparently brain-dead wife was full of funny stories.  Apparently at Amanda’s grandpa’s (Gramps) house Ben picked up one of those long “picker-upper thingy wingys” and called it “his gun.”  So Ben and Gramps spent the afternoon shooting at each other, Ben with his gun, and Gramps with his gun that look remarkably like his cane.  I am sure Cassie was the director.

But all good things soon come to an end, like my 5 days now of not being wrong.  As Ben says, “in just one more sleep,” they will be home.  And I suppose it will be fine that they return.  In all honesty I am not sure how to live when I am not wrong, so I have been kind of lost.

Okay, just one more sleep….that is unless the picture is real and I need to head to Kansas to bail those two out…….again.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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