His first felony……

How proud can a father be?  We were in the store getting ready to check out when it happened.  That squirt gun I was buying him (I think it was a dollar), and which was unloaded at the time, suddenly became an issue.  The woman who was just shopping and minding her own business seemed to take it in stride, but in all honesty I have a problem with a pastor’s kid pulling any kind of gun, squirt or not, on anyone……particularly in the Christian bookstore.

Of course I understand that his actions probably had very little to do with his faith and probably had much to do with genetics.  We however have a saying here in our house, although I am the only one to say it, and it is “do the crime, do the time.”  And there is no backtalk about it.

The little felon, I mean Ben, was quite surprised to see the squirt gun leave his hand so quickly as I simultaneously apologized to the lady.  And it was the last he saw of it.  He however is learning.  He knew he had done wrong and he did not put up any type of futile defense.  That pleased me, although not enough to rearm him.

So we are now at home and he has been on “probation” tonight.  And I think he may be up for an early release.

It just gives me yet one more story to add to my collection.  I am just happy the dang thing wasn’t full of water.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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