All Ready……..

I spent a lot of the day over at St. Patrick’s in Noblesville where I will celebrate and deliver the sermon tomorrow at 9pm. (I will be at St. Anne’s in Anderson at 5pm).  But I had a very productive day.  I bought poinsettias, cleaned, set up the Nativity, put up signs, and totally, and I mean totally did the worst job of decorating a Christmas tree in all of history.  It is so bad I have asked Amanda to head there tomorrow before the service to “fix” it.  But everything else looks great.

Of course all these things are just that, things. I have yet to write my sermon, but obviously I will tomorrow.  For some reason I was just worried about all the set up and needed to get it done…thank God I did.

Most of the time these things get done by other people, but sometimes I just like “doing” things that are tangible.  Sure, a sermon and a service are tangible……but not in the same way.  Sometimes it is just fun for me to set something up and see it, knowing that others will enjoy it tomorrow as much as I did today.  All our facilities are beautiful, and I am thankful for the opportunity I had today.

Now I just need a sermon, but I am not worried about that.  I am actually DONE and ready for the family stuff, so my normal December 24th shopping trip will not need to take up my time!  That will give me plenty of time to write!

So as Advent winds to a close, I hope you are thinking about how you will celebrate Christmas this year.  There will be plenty of room at all our churches, and you are welcome (and INVITED) there.

Just make sure you celebrate somewhere.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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