The best laid plans……always get blown apart!!

We went ice skating as a family this afternoon, something we had not done in awhile.  Ben got some new skates for Christmas, and we wanted to try them out.  The whole outing however was very disheartening. The picture was taken right before all the trouble.

First of all, the Forum at Fishers, no longer sharpens skates while you are there…..and we needed some sharpened.  They now have built a big box that you drop your skates in and you can pick them up some 24 hours later.  It screams the fact that there is more care for how many people they can get in the rink, but not for the quality of their skate.  I actually found it a bit appalling, as I did their price of 6.00 per session for everyone over 3.  Generally there is a kid’s price.  And it is not that I could not afford to pay it, (yes, I know, a double negative, but I am just feeling it) it is just the principle.  It will make a difference to me next time we, or just I, go to skate.

Of course that may never ever happen again anyhow.  Ben was afraid of the ice and was dragged around the rink twice but only while screaming.  (We will need to have his DNA checked….that is just not right in our family.)  And then Amanda fell backwards not too long after that and hit her head.  Amanda is Amanda though (bull-headed and stubborn to the N-th degree).  Her vision is blurred yet she was, and is,  adamant about not going to the hospital to get checked out.  I stopped fighting her about it after trying pretty hard to get her to go.  And of course we stopped skating and headed home to put her to bed.  I have been waking her up a lot and although she has a headache, she  seems to be getting a bit nicer!

So the best laid plans were just plans for disaster, though we did not know it at the time.  I am just glad to have gotten them all home.  I am pretty certain, despite the drama, that they all are going to survive.

Goodnight my friends from my at home health care center, and God Bless!


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