A colorful Christmas PIG……

First of all, for those of you worried about Amanda, she had a CT scan today.  She has a severe concussion and a lot of fluid on her brain.  She is at home and will make a full recovery.  She also has shared that she will never ice skate again.

Now off to this post…….

Ben gave his sister Steph for Christmas a very special gift, and it was something they could do together.  He got her a ceramic, paintable piggy bank.  The idea was that they would design this together, and then Steph would take it back to Missouri with her at the end of the week when she returns for school.  So on Monday night they broke out the paints and the pig.

And as much of a blast as it was to occasionally watch, the project seemed to be a bigger blast for the both of them.  They each have their own styles of painting and design, and they appear to be nowhere near the same either.  Stephanie clearly has been influenced by the surrealist period, whereas Ben from the Baa-roke. (no, not the Baroque, but the baa-roke or translated into modern English, broke)

But the finished product of all this chaos was one slick pig, and one that will be the talk of the university I am sure.

Scott received a birdhouse from Ben and they will get to that soon too.  And since Scott goes to college here, the birdhouse will grace our property somewhere I am sure.  That I am sure will be another post.

But for tonight I thought I would just share this with you…..my talented kids ad their Christmas pig!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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