Riding the wave……..

Concussion Girl is getting better, and things at the house are moving closer to Saturday, when Steph will head back to Missouri.  Thus we are seeing the meaningful events, such as the three kids going to lunch together on their own, and then Steph and Scott going ice skating together with some friends last night.  Tomorrow will be a day for Amanda and I to see her, and then the packing begins.  I really do not enjoy seeing them leave…..it is like they have lives of their own.

But in all honesty, I am way down on the “control of that” scale.  Even Ben is ineffective in getting her to stay.  But like most of life, I just need to deal with the things I can control (a short list) and ride out the others that I cannot.

And in my world, that is a lot of riding.  The past few days I have been living with Batman.  My sanctuary, my office, is constantly invaded with his toys, I mean weapons, excuse me.  Scotty has his drums home as his band is not currently practicing for the holiday, and even if we added two more floors I would probably hear them.  The cat is always wanting something, and the dog follows me like a caboose. Concussion girl is always calling me in the house for something, and it would be great if I was not hard of hearing.  I always hear something and have to get up to clarify……as I do not want to become “Concussion Guy.”  And Steph is pretty much “maintenance-free” and hardly ever needs a thing….that’s why she is leaving.

So just “two more sleeps” (as Ben says) till Saturday.  I have had a good day, and tomorrow will be another.  But please keep me in your prayers.  It is very hard to keep up that illusion (maybe it’s a delusion) that I am in charge.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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