Pondering the future……….

There are so many things I wish I did better.  I wish I were a better husband, a better parent, a better priest and friend……but there are always times in my life that I too clearly see the shortcomings I possess in each.  It troubles me deeply, yet not often, but always, you have to pick yourself up and move ahead.

That now seems a lot harder to do.  I remember when I was younger.  As an athlete, shortcoming were always just a challenge.  But looking in the mirror now I just do not see that same young man, nor do I often act like him.  Life I guess has a way of doing that.  Perspectives change as do the ways you react.

But as I approach the new year I want to rededicate myself to recapturing what I once knew and lived.  I am clearly not one to grow old gracefully, and my last few years really have been abysmal in terms of living how I know I am capable.  I have posted about many of these things here before but not made progress enough to be satisfied.  I am tired of losing.  Things need to change.

With that, tomorrow I intend to post a few things I would like you to partner with me in through your prayers.  I would ask that you’d partner by sending me cash too, but I have tried that before and it never has worked.  But I need to get out of the rut and onto the right road.  Check in with me tomorrow, and let me know you will help!  Perhaps we can help each other make a new start!

Thanks everyone!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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