My year in review…….

As 2011 comes to a close, I look back and see one of the most difficult years of my life.  The loss of both my mom and my grandmother (her mom) were pretty difficult.  My grandma died at 95 from a massive stroke, and my mom died a few weeks before her, finally losing her long battle with Alzheimer’s.

My mom had really been gone for years.  But right before she died, she sort of came out of that Alzheimer’s fog and gave me some specific instruction, and to a social worker too.  It was all to quick.  Suddenly she was back in the fog and died a few days later.  I always wanted to see her and talk to her when she was sharp again, but not on topics of her treatment.  At least I got to have two decent conversations with her though.  It was a gift to not have to make those decisions by myself.

But my grandma was sharp to the very end, and I talked to her often.  She was always worried about my mom, and I hated it that I had to call her and tell her of her passing.  She was a caring and compassionate soul, and learned a lot about life just by sitting with her and talking.  In truth, I miss them both, and life has been a little bit strange without them.

There were a few big highlights in 2011 for me though, and the big one was seeing Scotty graduate from high school.  It made me very proud.  He also was named the Varsity MVP for lacrosse a few weeks prior, a ceremony I arrived about 30 minutes late for due to the STUPID AIRLINES.  But I did get to see pictures.  He worked hard, and he deserved it.  And I got to see a few of his games too, as I was the high school women’s coach.

And that was another big thing in 2011.  I retired my position as Head Coach of the Noblesville Women’s Lacrosse Team, and that to me was a big thing.  I really miss it, and I miss the team.  But a lot of my life was wrapped up in it, and a bit of me died in letting that go.  I will need to find something else to fill that void.

But all in all, I am looking forward to 2012.  I am not sure what it will hold, but I am going to count on it being a bit less painful.  We will see.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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