Heading to movie night……..

Tonight we had “movie night” at the house and were able to watch the movie “Bolt.”  I do not watch many movies, but I have to confess it was pretty good.  And, quite surprisingly as a dog movie, it captured the attention of all of us except for the dog.

It would have been better if Steph were here with us, but tomorrow she starts class in Missouri.  She would have loved it though.  As for me, I suppose it is good to be able to escape from reality even now and again, and I have to say that I even laughed a quite a bit of it.  So many movies, even the ones that try to make you laugh, are filled with uncomfortable scenes that just make me wonder why I am watching.  This movie, thankfully, had none of those scenes.

What I can say is that tomorrow now worries me.  Ben will watch something and the next day he decides to “be” that something.  I am not opposed to him wanting to be Bolt mind you, it’s just that we do not have a dog costume…..plus we already have a dog.  It would be a change from Wolverine, Batman, and Spiderman though, and there is nothing wrong with a little variety.

Movie night was a great way to start out the year, and it was a great way to end a work day.  All the “dad stuff” is a lot of fun, and I thank God every day for the opportunity.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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