I remember………

Today is always a tough day for me, because it is my sister Stephanie’s birthday today, and had she not succumbed to the cancer in 2001 she would have been 49.  There’s no doubt about it….cancer sucks.  (My sister Sarah died from it in 2004)

But today always had me making my annual call to Steph to tell her how very ancient she was.  It always was met by the reminder that I was 18 months older, but it gave me great satisfaction anyway.  We were always digging at each other, which was an art we both perfected, but she was far more effective at than me.  Yep….better than perfect.  I did have the last laugh though, because I buried mom right next to her, which I am sure pleased my mom, but will irk my sister as she probably fantasized about burying her next to me.  But despite the rivalry of the two children of my mom who were not the “perfect one” (my sister Sarah – and yes, she never irritated mom like we did), I really did love and care for her….for both of them. AND, I miss them both terribly.

This year when we buried mom I got to go back to her grave and see my brother in law and his wife, and my niece Amelia.  Things change and life is way too short, but today I was thinking about all this, and decided I am really thankful for the life I have lived and the time I was able to spend with Steph.  I am far better for it.  Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t make her any less of a pain in my tail or the old coot she would have been today, but few guys ever get to have a sister like I did, and she is the best.

My daughter is named for her, and Scott would have been named Sarah if he were just a girl (but feel free to call him Sarah…he gets the joke).  But more than anything, I want her to know that despite the harassment, I loved her and still do.

And no, I will not apologize one bit for any “retaliation” on my part.  After all, she deserved it!

Rest in peace Steph, and today enjoy a margarita with Sarah, mom and our grandparents.  And if there are no margaritas, do not expect me any time soon.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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